
HeelBewust Daily Quotes

Dagelijkse inspiratie ter contemplatie en een glimlach!

Op deze pagina staan alle Daily Quotes sinds de start  ervan (27 april 2019). De nieuwste quotes staan steeds bovenaan. Veel inspiratiegenoegen!

You are now at the end of the cycle of your limitation, therefore the greatest challenges happen now. Negative belief systems will do the most fear inducing things when you are on the threshold of breaking into freedom.
- Bashar - 

Excitement is your body's physical translation of the vibrational resonance that is your true core.
- Bashar - 

Destruction takes no power. It takes power to create. 
- Bashar - 

There is absolutely no built in difficulty to any situation. It is only your belief that allows you to experience difficulty in situations. 
- Bashar - 

It is taking so long because you are waiting for it. Waiting is a state unto itself and the only experience you can have in a state of waiting is waiting, not having. 
- Bashar - 

Every single parallel reality is actually just a frozen frame. You have to move through the frames with your consciousness, like a projector light, in order to create the illusion of movement, change, time and space. 
- Bashar - 

What you call location in space and time is not something that an object occupies. It's a property of the object itself. 
- Bashar - 

Getting what you need is what will actually fulfill you. Want what you need, not what you want.
- Bashar - 

Q) Are there periodic intergalactic games similar to the Olympic Games on Earth?
A) All types. There's beings betting on the survival of your species.
- Ryokah - 

Physical particles are not the cause of frequencies, they are the reflection of.
- Bashar - 

Unsubscribe from being the problem-solver and overcomer and allow yourself to be wowed by how seamlessly and blissfully your fulfilled desires show up in your experience. 
- Candace Tucciarone - 

Allow yourself always to explore the stillness. You will be surprised how noisy it is.
- Bashar -

The second you act like everything is synchronicity, the more obvious it will become.
- Bashar - 

No physical reality, no spiritual reality. No spiritual reality, no physical reality.
They are interdependent.
- Ryokah - 

If the things that are trying to get away from you can't get away from you, it's not because they're not trying - it's because you're holding onto them.
- Bashar - 

When you follow a certain path and then something unexpected crops up, laugh. Because it will lighten the vibration. It will allow you to see what it is you need to see in the unexpected manifestation. Laughter uplifts, it raises your frequency and allows you to see farther, deeper and understand connections and associations in a better way.
- Bashar - 

You haven't been clear until you have infinite intelligence focussed with you moment by moment. That's clarity, you see.
- Abraham - 

If you could never again think about your body and, instead, just think pleasant thoughts—your body would reclaim its place of Well-being.
- Abraham - 

You are in physical existence to learn and understand that your energy, translated into feelings, thoughts and emotions, causes all experience. There are no exceptions.
- Seth - 

Trying at all is trying too hard, because in the flow there is no trying, there is just the receiving.
- Abraham -

If you perceive something as valueless you have to be in a state of valuelessness in order to experience that feeling about that thing. So you have to be devaluing yourself and put yourself on the same level to call something else as having no value.
- Bashar - 

Law of Attraction responds to the vibration that you're offering. The response of LOA causes more momentum. That's really what momentum is, LOA's response to your vibration.
- Abraham - 

The physical self as you know it, is a focus of consciousness that forms a personality in response to that focus.
- Seth -

In the beginning, there was no beginning, and you and I were there.
- Seth - 

If you're serious about changing your life, you'll find a way. If you're not, you'll find an excuse. 
- Jen Sincero -

Physical symptoms are communications from the inner self, indications that we are making mental errors of one kind or another.
- Seth - 

Don't take life so seriously through recognizing that your life is a movie. Apply the same logic that you apply to your films and watch what happens. You'll find that everything within your world begins to shift rather rapidly.
- Ryokah -

You must remember that beginnings and endings are realities only within your own system of three-dimensional life.
- Seth -

Expectation is the marriage between desire and belief. You get what you expect. It's accurate to say you get what you believe but it's more poignant to say you get what you expect.
- Abraham -

You need not say "The universe is safe" for at your present level, that will only enrage you. You say instead, "I Live in a Safe Universe" and so you shall.
- Seth -

Sometimes you justify giving your attention to something because it is true. But, just because it is true is not a good reason, because anything that anyone gives attention to, becomes true. A better question is, “Do I want to experience it?”
- Abraham -

It's about the age of choosing, of making choices that are more balanced, more representative of your spirit self.
- Bashar -

Don't forget to play.
- Bashar -

The true secret of the Law Of Attraction is not how to learn to attract what you prefer. It's how to learn to let go of what you don't, so that you can let in what is trying to get to you automatically, by definition.
- Bashar -

What you KNOW to be true is in your behaviour.
- Bashar -

You cannot worry about someone and love them at the same time. Most people mistake the emotion of worry for the emotion of love. They think that worrying about somebody means that you love them.
- Abraham Hicks -

Freedom is not given to us by anyone; we have to cultivate it ourselves. It is a daily practice. No one can prevent you from being aware of each step you take or each breath in and breath out.
- Thich Nhat Hanh -

Mental images, accompanied by strong emotion, are blueprints upon which a corresponding physical object, or condition or event, will appear.
- Seth -

Step back and appreciate all others who share your planet.
Because without them, you would cease to be.
- Abraham Hicks -

Judgement is invalidating that which you do not prefer. Whenever you judge anything, by focusing your attention on it, you exchange energies with it, and so you "become" that vibration. So you automatically become the very thing you disapprove of.
- Bashar -

Your beliefs and intents cause you to pick, from an unpredictable group of actions, those that you want to happen.
- Seth -

Clarity is momentum that has no resistance in it.
- Abraham Hicks -

Allowing means it's done.
- Abraham Hicks -

Here’s the rule of thumb about anything: If the impulse comes from a joyous thought that feels good, follow it. If the impulse comes from an uncomfortable thought that felt bad, don’t follow it.
- Abraham Hicks -

No one can deny you anything. Only you deny it through your vibrational contradiction.
- Abraham Hicks -

Your realities do not form your beliefs, your beliefs form your realities. Then those realities keep perpetuating those beliefs that you formed.
- Abraham Hicks -

Quaerendo invenietis.
- Johann Sebastian Bach -

If your desire is strong enough it can override your beliefs. But it's a very rough ride.
- Abraham Hicks -

Change always comes later than we think it should
- Captain Jean-Luc Picard

We're far better than Google.
- Abraham Hicks -

When doctors and scientists try to find cures for diseases without taking into consideration the Vibrational relationship between the physical Being and Source Energy, they are looking for cures in all the wrong places.
- Abraham Hicks -

When you learn how to do more with less, you'll then need to do less to get more.
- Bashar -

Your financial abundance is a reflection of how much you have valued or devalued your own worth. As an individual and as a collective.
- Abraham Hicks -

If you can look backward in time from your planetary viewpoint, then from some point you should be able to look forward, and you cannot.
- Seth -

We don’t meet any of you who are honest. Even those who claim to be the most virtuous, are not honest, but your vibration always is. We would trust the feeling more than the words.
- Abraham Hicks -

Freedom is knowing you supply the physical world; the physical world doesn't supply you.
- Candace Thoth -

Your problem will only live as long as you are conscious of it.
- Neville Goddard -

Post manifestational awareness is the opposite of getting out ahead of it.
- Abraham Hicks -

Desire is action. In the inner world, your desires bring about their own fulfillment, effortlessly. That inner world, and the exterior one, intersect and interweave. They only appear separate.
- Seth -

You already made it happen, now you have to let it happen.
- Abraham Hicks -

Strategy requires thought, tactics require observation.
- Max Euwe -

Make decision from your Godself, not from seeming circumstances.
- Candace Thoth -

The future is made up of only one substance and that is the present moment. By taking care of the present, you are doing everything you can to assure a good future.
- Thich Nhat Hanh -

The idea of rebelling means that you believe they control you. If you understand that they don't, you will go about things in a very different empowering way.
- Bashar -

As living cells have a structure, react to stimuli and organize according to their own classification, so do thoughts.
- Seth -

The construction of your body and the construction of a world are produced with the greatest combination of order and spontaneity.
- Seth -

Your use of instruments will teach you one important lesson: The instruments are useful only in measuring the level of reality in which they themselves exist.
- Seth -

Reduce your workload by 30% and increase your fun load by 30% and you will increase your revenues by 100%. More fun, less struggle—more results on all fronts.
- Abraham Hicks -

Everything exists at the same time, therefore it's only separated by frequency.
- Bashar -

Your natural state is one of spirit. You're all still in spirit right now. It's just that you're dreaming that you're not - that's what physical reality is. You have never left spirit.
- Bashar -

That's why you need to stay in the present, so you can find the presents.
- Bashar -

You cannot change something that you judge.
- Bashar -

Let the Law of Attraction be the muscle, and you the chooser of the satisfying thoughts.
- Abraham Hicks -

You work rather hard at sameness, but you will never win that battle because, from Nonphysical, diversity is known to be the most beneficial part of the game.
- Abraham Hicks -

Get so fixated on what you want, that you drown out any vibration or reverberation that has anything to do with what you do not want.
- Abraham Hicks -

It may look as if the situation is creating the suffering, but ultimately this is not so - your resistance is.
- Eckhart Tolle -

Your world is pointing toward an insistence on conformity which is causing you enormous grief.
- Abraham Hicks -

Parents often think that they are here to guide the little ones. When—in reality—the little ones come forth with clarity to guide you.
- Abraham Hicks -

Source Energy is a streaming consciousness that is streaming into your physical body. And when you allow your connection to be full that’s when you feel so good.
- Abraham Hicks -

The greatest gift you can give, sometimes, is the willingness to receive the gift being given to you.
- Bashar -

The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it.
- Henry David Thoreau -

You cannot live or see or experience outside of your own individual beliefs.
- Abraham Hicks -

By the time that feasible intersystem space travel is practical, the psychic abilities are developed to a very high degree. One is necessary for the other.
- Seth -

Even though there is no real empirical physical reality, your experience of physical reality is real. Experience is the reality, not the reality you think you are experiencing.
- Bashar -

Emotional power behind your expectations powers your expectations into physical reality.
- Seth -

Remember that few people expressing a positive energy outweigh many people who are expressing negativity because positive energy is integrative and negative energy is segregative.
- Bashar -

It might help if you remember that despite appearances all events are basically subjective.
Their ‘objectivity’ happens at a cer­tain point of focus, and as that focus changes, so do the events.
- Seth -

If what you're leaving is dominant, then you don't leave. If where you're going is dominant, then you go.
- Abraham Hicks -

When another person makes you suffer, it is because he suffers deeply within himself, and his suffering is spilling over. He does not need punishment; he needs help. That's the message he is sending.
- Thich Nhat Hanh -

The generation that believes in peace will bring peace.
- Seth -
Hatred of war will not bring peace. Only love of peace will bring about those conditions.
- Seth -

The energy creating the condition, not the condition creating the energy. That's unconditional living.
- Abraham Hicks -

Be the vibration of compassion and understanding, and love. For if you shine in that way, it will be reflected back to you. And you will know that you are valued. And you will know who you truly are.
- Bashar -

In a flash, in the blink of an eye, your new normal will be the reality that you once desired, that you have dreamed of, that you have imagined.
- The Council -

You are in physical existence to learn and understand that your energy, translated into feelings, thoughts and emotions, causes all experience. There are no exceptions.
- Seth -

Time is one of your most obvious camouflages, and the study of time will lead you in a fairly direct manner from the camouflaged physical self to the inner self, which you ignore.
- Seth -

You will know what you need to know when you need to know it because in the now moment, everything is known.
- The Council -

What you refer to as imagination is truly a dimension of consciousness that exists and is always available to you.
- The Council -

Big problems bring big solutions.
- Abraham Hicks -

The master of one's life is no longer trying to create from lack or limitation or unworthiness. The master has no personal agenda.
- The Council -

Silence is something that comes from your heart, not from the outside.
Silence doesn't mean not talking and not doing things; it means that you are not disturbed inside. If you're truly silent, then no matter what situation you find yourself in you can enjoy the silence.
- Thich Nhat Hanh -

Imagination is the power to perceive what is absent from the senses.
- Neville Goddard -

If you want to master your life, you must really love the human experience.
- The Council -

You get more of what you are, and all that you can give is what you are.
- The Council -

Intuition represents the directions of the inner self, breaking though conscious barriers.
- Seth -

When you are resisting anything, you are resisting everything and stopping the flow of easy, effortless harmonious creation.
- The Council -

Your addiction to logic is the only thing that keeps it from you.
- The Council -

Stillness and presence are the access poin to acceleration.
- The Council -

You may think that thing you want is going to alleviate all of your other troubles.  But it is when you have no troubles to alleviate  that what you desire unfolds  in the most easy, effortless, harmonious ways.
- The Council -

Without a sense of joy and inner accomplishment and development of potential, the personality will not only fail to flourish, but the inner self will refuse to maintain the physical structure adequately.
- Seth -

The body is not just a tool to be used. It is not just a vehicle for the spirit. It is the spirit in flesh.
- Seth -

When you label anything, you begin to limit it and all the potential and possibility within it.
- The Council -

You must work very hard to hold yourself in lower vibrations of consciousness; it takes a lot of energy to deny the truth of you and your magnificence.
- The Council -

Faith is both active and passive. It acts as a stimulant at one time, as a tranquilizer at another.
- Jane Roberts -

Paradoxically, by needing something to happen, you fill the space in which the thing can actually occur, thus there's no room for it to actually occur.
- Bashar -

We have no need for you to believe in us.
We are here to assist you in believing in yourselves.
- Bashar -

Your reality is always a perfect reflection of the level of consciousness from which you have been creating.
- The Council -

Consciousness is what moves energy into form; it is the formula for all creation.
- The Council -

The greatest challenges you face in your life are representative of the themes you chose to explore.
- Bashar -

Concepts are not problems. Beliefs are problems. And beliefs are simply concepts that we believe to be true.
- Rupert Spira -

Pure joy, even of a brief duration, can literally change the direction of a life.
- Seth -

For most of us, there's a very big difference between needing and wantig something, which comes from lack and limitation, and true desire, where you may have no idea where it came from.
- Sara Landon -

I am a poor imitation of the voices of your own psyches, to which you don't listen!
- Seth -

When you trust the thrust of your own life, you are always supported.
- Seth -

All things gravitate to that consciousness with which they are in tune. Likewise, all things disentangle themselves from that consciousness with which they are out of tune.
- Neville Goddard -

See your thoughts as the real events.
- Seth -

You will always go physically to the subjective state you have appropriated.
- Neville Goddard -

The art of seeing beyond the physical world is one that yields infinite rewards.
- Candace Thoth -

All of a person’s reincarnational existences are connected — but the events in one life do not cause the events in the next one.
- Seth -

Words reduce reality to something the human mind can grasp, which isn't very much.
- Eckhart Tolle -

The deeper dimensionally greater you has already done it.
- Neville Goddard -

There is a subtle yet important distinction between 'something marvelous WILL happen for me' and 'something marvelous IS happening for me right now.'
- Candace Thoth -

The only thing that causes your worry is the judgment of what is happening – not what is happening.
- Bashar -

Thoughts are also events, as are wishes and desires. The human system responds as fully to these as it does to physical events.
- Seth -

Meditation is possible in all kinds of positions, whether lying down, standing, walking, sitting, or doing things. Everything you do, if you do it mindfully, is meditation.
- Thich Nhat Hanh -

Matter is not an imprisoning form. It is a means by which consciousness expresses itself within the limits of the physical field.
- Seth -

No one ever discriminates against you because of the color of your skin: people discriminate  against you because you have that sense of yourself.
- Abdullah -

Your desires contain within themselves the plan of self-expression.
- Neville Goddard -

Your desire for prosperity is really the promise of God saying that His riches are are yours: accept this promise without any mental reservation.
- Joseph Murphy -

There is the potential for relief (feeling better) indefinitely. We do not know of any ending point to the amount of clarity, and adventure, and joy, and Well-Being—it is an unlimited thing.
- Abraham -

Be in the present and all things you need will find you.
- Bashar -

When you give somebody the benefit of the doubt, you are the one who receives the benefit.
- Abraham Hicks -

Your environment is the physical picture of your thoughts, emotions and beliefs made visible.
- Seth -

It is to consciousness you must turn, for it is the only foundation on which the phenomena of life can be explained.
- Neville Goddard -

Nothing is really an obstacle. It is simply an arrow pointing in an unexpected direction and opportunity.
- Bashar -

Consciousness is literally self-reflection, self-awareness – the ability to know the self by knowing what is not the self.
- Bashar -

You can't fail. You can only discover paths that are not necessarily truly representative of the way you wish to express your excitement. And you learn things along the way and that's all knowledge that may help you in the future.
- Bashar -

The only thing that ever makes you tired or bogs you down is resistance.
- Abraham Hicks -

Because of the true nature of time, and the interrela­tionships of consciousness, a future life affects a past one, for in actuality all of these existences happen simultaneously.
- Seth -

Your signature frequencies are all very, very, very high. It’s just that you're clouding them with all sorts of fear based belief systems that doesn’t allow the light to shine through as strongly as it could.
- Bashar -

Authentic human interactions become impossible when you lose yourself in a role.
- Eckhart Tolle -

When the feeling of not knowing how it's going to play out precisely is exhilarating to you, when it feels like adventure, now it begins to play out.
- Abraham Hicks -

Rather than thinking outside the box, start FEELING outside the box!
- Rob M.M. Greuter -

Amplify smiling to the mirror first, with smiling EAR to EAR to the mirror first!
- Rob M.M. Greuter -

Little tiny dreams, require little tiny thoughts and little tiny steps. Great big dreams require great big thoughts and little tiny steps. Do I paint a clear picture?
- The Universe -

Insistence prevents you from feeling what's correct. You don't recognize the path that's actually you because you're insisting on taking another route. Trust the flow the way it goes.
- Bashar -

The only thing better than singing is more singing.
- Ella Fitzgerald -

When you surrender to what is and so become fully present, the past ceases to have any power. You do not need it anymore. Presence is the key. The Now is the key.
- Eckhart Tolle -

In many instances people exercise quite simply because they are afraid of what will happen if they do not. They may run to avoid heart disease, for example, while their own fear can help to promote the very eventuality they fear.
- Seth -

The only reason that conflicts exist on your planet is because people feel disempowered. They've been taught to believe they have no power, taught to believe they're disconnected from source, which isn't possible.
- Bashar -

Freedom is not given to us by anyone. We have to cultivate it ourselves.
- Thich Nhat Hanh -

Don't sweat the small stuff. And it all is.
- Abraham Hicks -

Everything is what it needs to be, to be representative of the path you choose to explore so that you would go through the appropriate process. And that is beautiful.
- Bashar -

Manifestation of events in your reality are the result of strong emotional attachment, one way or another. Emotion, strong emotional attachment is the activation device.
- Bashar -

Each person, simply by being, fits into the universe and into universal purposes in a way no one else can.
- Seth -

Talk to us about your blessings. Talk to us about how many thoughts have turned to wonderful things. That's the way you get that vibration going for more and more and more and more.
- Abraham Hicks -

The more you live in the moment, the less you experience the idea of time and space, the more you will tap into higher frequency energies that will provide enough sustenance for you.
- Bashar -

What may seem unlikely in one state is the norm in another state.
- Candace Thoth -

You are over concentrating upon methods. Think of your purpose, and the methods will take care of themselves.
- Seth -

There is no such thing as a lack of trust, you don't have to learn how to trust. You have to learn what to put your trust in.
- Bashar -

If you're not actually doing it, you don't understand it. Because to understand is to do, is to know, is to be. That's what true understanding is. That's why understanding comes with experience.
- Bashar -

Revision is a delightfully satisfying way to see that absolutely nothing is set in stone other than the fact that you're God.
- Candace Thoth -

Guides do not do things for you, they guide you.
- Bashar -

The idea you experience as acceleration is simply becoming aware of the timing perfectly unfolding.
- Bashar -

Find the things you're afraid of, find the beliefs that generate the fear, identify them, let them go.
- Bashar -

Behave like the person you wish to be in the reality you wish to experiences so that you can ground all these energies like a circuit into the experience of physical reality.
- Bashar -

You came here to experience life, not to avoid life.
- Sadhguru -

The definition of a pattern or a habit is something you do that you don't know you're doing. If you know you're doing it, it's not a pattern or a habit anymore, it's a choice.
- Bashar -

By not invalidating what you don't prefer, you actually take the wind out of suffering.
- Bashar -

State of being always comes first. There can be no circumstance without it.
- Bashar -

Without repulsion, attraction will not find the places in which those things that you are attracting can reside, for you must make room for those things that are you, by letting go of those things that are not.
- Bashar -

It's going to work out. But how? You want the best answer? Despite of all of us!
- Matt Kahn -

Everyone in Spirit is still very much alive. In fact, in a sense, ironically, compared to Spirit, you're all the walking dead.
- Bashar -

Wherever you're going, if you're going with all of yourself you'll not be alone, you'll be all-one.
- Bashar -

Whatever arises, the best question you ask yourself is: How is this helping me evolve and be better than I've ever been?
- Matt Kahn -

The issue is not learning to be abundant. The issue is learning what to be abundant in.
Because you are always abundant in something.
- Bashar -

Your Quantum scientists need to go further and they need to absolutely include the idea of what consciousness actually is, as the vibrational frequency of existence itself.
- Bashar -

The idea of an object being in a location is incorrect. Location exists in the object.
- Bashar -

Worrying is like paying a debt you don't owe.
- Mark Twain -

When the mind is quiet, it reflects reality.
- Nisargadatta Maharaj -

Intelligence is not artificial.
- Bashar -

The energy signature of 1000 disconnected negative people can be completely balanced and offset by the energy of just 10 people acting in harmony.
- Bashar -

True intelligence sees things in terms of whole systems including itself. Therefore a true intelligence would not in any way, shape or form eliminate or limit any component within the whole system.
- Bashar -

When it seems to you that others are observing you, you are observing yourself from the standpoint of your own projections.
- Seth -

De mooiste bandjes zijn nog steeds de stembandjes.
- Wim de Bie -

Wie het heden beoordeelt, moet over voldoende verleden beschikken.
- Wim de Bie -

If time as you think of it does not exist, and it does not, then the cause and effect theory does not follow.
- Seth -

Nature is everywhere filled with promise, not only the promise of mere survival, but the promise of beauty and fulfillment.
- Seth -

All That Is is not static or it would be dead; it is ever-changing as you are.
- Seth -

Your emotions are NOW. The way you feel is NOW. Your life is NOW. Direct your thoughts to improve your NOW moments, and the manifestations will take care of themselves.
- Abraham -

Physical reality doesn't exist except as a reflection of what you most strongly believe is true for you. That is all physical reality is. It is literally like a mirror.
- Bashar -

Live every day to its fullest, and do not be a slave to your hopes for the future. If you do not learn to enjoy today you will not enjoy the future no matter what it may bring.
- Seth -

The evidence does not support your belief. The evidence was created by your belief.
- Abraham Hicks -

Everyday in the morning, start your day with this simple thought in your mind that today, wherever I go, I will create a peaceful, loving and joyful world.
- Sadhguru -

It’s just a circumstance, it’s a neutral set of props on a stage. That’s it.
- Bashar -

At any moment, you can unsubscribe from any and every assumption that isn't consistent with your boldest, most authentic and blissful expression.
- Candace Thoth -

Definition IS reality. Not definitions OF reality. Definition IS reality. Once that really clicks for you, believe me, you’ll have all the conviction in creation.
- Bashar -

There is nothing that is not here and now, ready for you to enter and become one with.
- Neville Goddard -

No matter how much it may seem that your fulfilled desire isn't here right now, it is. Feel beyond the seeming appearance.
- Candace Thoth -

It's not possible to not be supported, but you will be supported in what you believe is possible for you to be supported in, including the fear of not being supported.
- Bashar -

The main direction and portent of the body consciousness on its own is always toward health, expression, and fulfillment.
- Seth -

If you are playful, you are life. If you are serious, you are conducting death.
- Sadhguru -

If you don't know what to do, then you're trying to do the to do too soon.
- Abraham Hicks -

There is no such thing as a cat consciousness, basically speaking, or a bird consciousness. In those terms, there are instead simply consciousnesses that choose to take certain focuses.
- Seth -

There are no problems in life, they're just situations. You can either make it into a possibility or a problem.
- Sadhguru -

When you no longer feel uncomfortable about something not coming, it has to come.
- Abraham Hicks -

If you can rid yourself of worry, you will rid yourself of things to worry about. It really is that simple.
- Abraham Hicks -

You believe in the but.
- Abraham Hicks -

If you want it to be, it's meant to be. Because you create your own reality.
- Abraham Hicks -

The things that are on their way to you, are so much better than you even know that you want.
- Abraham Hicks -

Shortage of connection to the energy that creates worlds is what is at the heart of all sensations of shortage that you are experiencing.
- Abraham Hicks -

Segment intending causes you to line up with what you're asking for. It causes you to contemplate what you are looking for.
- Abraham Hicks -

Your problems are caused by your own doubts. These doubts arise because you have been out of touch with the validity of your own existence.
- Seth -

You cannot transmit wisdom and insight to another person. The seed is already there. A good teacher touches the seed, allowing it to wake up, to sprout and to grow.
- Thich Nhat Hanh -

Ideas of good, better, best can lead you astray. You are learning to BE as completely as possible. In one way you are learning to create yourselves.
- Seth -

There are no random events that happen.
- Abraham Hicks -

People suffer because they are caught in their views. As soon as we release those views, we are free and we don’t suffer anymore.
- Thich Nhat Hanh -

There’s no separation except in our own minds.
- Anita Moorjani -

The dichotomy is that for true healing to occur, I must let go of the need to be healed and just enjoy and trust in the ride that is life.
- Anita Moorjani -

Fear doesn't keep you safe - it keeps you small.
- Anita Moorjani -

If something in one moment can seemingly not be here and in an instant appear (without anyone taking any physical action), it is a literal demonstration that all is now.
- Candace Thoth -

You do not have the ability to imagine what you do not have the ability to become.
- Bashar -

Even the lowest whisper can be heard over armies - when it's telling the truth.
- Silvia Broome - (Nicole Kidman in The Interpreter)

You never change the world you're on. You change yourself and that navigates you in the direction of the version of earth that already coexists, that is more reflective of the version that you prefer.
- Bashar -

Live life as if everything is rigged in your favor.
- Rumi -

Know thyself. And everything will fall into place.
- Bashar -

Never invalidate what you do not prefer.
- Bashar -

Ambition is a dream with a V8 engine.
- Elvis Presley -

Rhythm is something you either have or don't have, but when you have it, you have it all over.
- Elvis Presley -

Surrendering is actually allowing the control you have already built into you, to function properly.
- Bashar -

Manifesting is your game, your rules, your way. Periodt.
- Candace Thoth -

You want to be understood, but you've got to give that up. By understanding that they can't understand you.
- Abraham Hicks -

You could dangle your feet in water all day and everything you want will come.
- Abraham Hicks -

You have no excuse to be oblivious about what your vibrational countenance is, because the things that are manifesting around you are evidence of what it is.
- Abraham Hicks -

There is greatness in each of you.
- Seth -

It is only because you are so busily concerned with daily matters that you do not realize that there is a portion of you who knows that its own powers are far superior to those shown by the ordinary self.
- Seth -

All energy of physics operates in pairs. When you start a process of helping to heal someone else, this energy comes back at you. There is a reciprocal energy received - always.
- Kryon -

Minimize the importance of a problem. Forget a problem and it will go away.
- Seth -

In physical reality, if you will forgive me, life is the name of the game—and the game is based upon value fulfillment.
- Jane Roberts -

A sudden or intense belief in health can 'reverse' a disease, but in a very practical way it is a reversal in terms of time.
- Seth -

The idea of prevention is always based upon fear – for you do not want to prevent something that is joyful.
- Seth -

Some of your beliefs originated in your childhood, but you are not at their mercy unless you BELIEVE that you are.
- Seth -

You sit within the miracle of yourselves and ask for signs.
- Seth -

The main event has never been the manifestation; the main event has always been the way you feel moment by moment, because that’s what life is.
- Abraham Hicks -

Where you want to be is your desire, and where you are is your Set-point or habit of thought.
- Abraham Hicks -

Imagination and emotion are the most concentrated forms of energy that you posses as physical creatures. Any strong emotion carries within it far more energy than that required to send a rocket to the moon.
- Seth -

The little ones still remember how to use the power of their imagination. They are still engaged in the utilization of their imagination — that is one of the reasons that keeps them so exhilarated.
- Abraham Hicks -

The DNA is not doing the dictating. It is adapting to the vibration.
As you raise your vibration, it responds. You are adaptive.
- Abraham Hicks -

How do you find the path? The path finds you. It's an inspired path.
- Abraham Hicks -

Your life is producing far more desires than your beliefs are allowing you to experience.
- Abraham Hicks -

Whatever you’re thinking about is literally like planning a future event. When you’re worrying, you are planning. When you’re appreciating you are planning…What are you planning?
- Abraham Hicks -

Suffering needs time. It cannot survive in the Now.
- Eckhart Tolle -

There is no negative karma.
- Kryon -

The secret of thinking from the end is to enjoy being it. The minute you make it pleasurable and imagine that you are it, you start thinking from the end.
- Neville Goddard -

Nothing can grow beyond your emotional response. Everything matches your set-point of emotions on every subject that exists.
- Abraham Hicks -

Your thoughts actually are quite as physical as your body is, and your body is quite as nonphysical as it seems to you your thoughts are.
- Seth -

See your thoughts as the real events.
- Seth -

Am I going to let this define me or am I going to let this refine me?
- JB Owen -

Regardless of what you have been told, hatred does not initiate strong violence. The outbreak of violence is often the result of a built-in sense of powerlessness
- Seth -

Self-worth is recognising the divine within us. Because if we honor the divine, then we have to honor ourselves.
- Sean Stone -

What would be more futile, more insane, than to create inner resistance to something that already is?
- Eckart Tolle -

Preference is a non-judgmental neutral state. It's simply a recognition of what is and isn't vibrationally compatible with you.
- Bashar -

Your 24th pair of chromosomes that you have, that have been multi-dimensional, that you can not see under a microscope, they're starting to awaken.
- Kryon -

When you are comfortable on your path, it doesn’t matter where it leads.
- Abraham Hicks -

We want you to take the stance that it is done. And when it's done, you just watch expectantly for the way it will unfold in your life experience.
- Abraham Hicks -

Acceptance of the end, wills the means.
- Neville Goddard -

You need to organise your time and energy to what is most valuable for you. Not do one more thing that is not necessary for yourself or anybody around you.
- Sadhguru -

Do not think in terms of abundance, think in terms of fulfilment of life.
- Sadhguru -

You don't raise human beings, you only raise cattle. A human being is a possibility that needs to be nurtured.
- Sadhguru -

Any malady in your physical body was a lot longer in coming than it takes to release it.
- Abraham Hicks -

You have your hand on the switch. You are the allower or the resister. And your emotions tell you which you’re doing right now.
- Abraham Hicks -

You are natural calibrators. You seek harmony and harmonics all the time. You just got to decide what you want to harmonize with.
- Abraham Hicks -

The question is not whether something is real. The question is whether it is relevant.
- Bashar -

The spirit of God is in you, but it sleeps and needs to be awakened.
- Neville Goddard -

Imagination is the power to perceive what is absent from the senses.
- Neville Goddard -

If you make peace with everything that you eat, you will thrive.
- Abraham Hicks -

You never have to fight the darkness. All you have to do is to create the light.
- Kryon -

You get what you concentrate upon, there is no other main rule.
- Jane Roberts -

Act on your passion and allow synchronicity to be the beacon that guides you and illuminates your path.
- Bashar -

How would you approach manifesting differently if you never had any concept of it being hard or challenging?
- Candace Thoth -

A miracle is that you allow yourself to perceive what's natural.
- Abraham Hicks -

Epic fun, delight, and ease are the name of the game because that's who we are.
- Candace Thoth -

Imagination and emotions are the most concentrated forms of energy that you possess as physical creatures.
- Seth -

The journey of life is a mental one, which is taking place in the sea of illusion.
- Neville Goddard -

The fastest way to bring more wonderful examples of abundance into your personal experience is to take constant notice of the wonderful things that are already there.
- Abraham Hicks -

Today I allow the Universe to surprise me.
- You! -

You leave the "hows" to Me, as you simply focus upon and move towards your desired end results. You got this.
- The Universe -

When you trust the thrust of your own life, you are always supported
- Seth -

Your beliefs may conflict, but your imagination will always follow your will power and your conscious thoughts and beliefs.
- Seth -

The body is not just a tool to be used. It is not just a vehicle for the spirit. It is the spirit in flesh.
- Seth -

What we really want you to understand is that the Universe has already said YES!
- Abraham Hicks -

Instead of 'trying to get' our fulfilled desires, we can simply enjoy the feeling of already having them.
- Candace Thoth -

Money is unlimited because energy is unlimited and money is a by-product of energy.
- Abraham Hicks -

When you move slower than the world, and breathe more deeply than the world, you awaken a consciousness beyond any world.
- Matt Kahn -

Wherever you are, look for 10 things you like.
- Abraham Hicks -

You don't have to ask for more help. You're being given all the help you can possibly been given. What you need to do is awaken and pay attention to the help you're already getting.
- Bashar -

What if your fulfilled desire is a given, just like the sun rising in the morning?
- Candace Thoth -

You are so a part of the world that your slightest action contributes to its reality.
- Seth -

The body is continually created during your present lifetime, in your terms. It is not a mechanism once created, then left to fend for itself.
- Seth -

Our message to the world is our life, and when we finish the message we go home.
- Tabaash -

If you have five minutes of a population of the planet meditating on world peace, it would occur.
- Tabaash -

The more you see yourself as frequency, the more you see yourself as vibration and step away from the idea of yourself as a human being. Then this is where you're able to start accessing energy in the way where it creates for you a superhumanness.
- Tabaash -

When you take reasons away you actually become a lot more powerful.
- Tabaash -

The big movement is in you moving from doubt to belief. Or just from doubt to not thinking about it.
- Abraham Hicks -

It's my perception of this that is hurting me. Not what it actually is.
- Abraham Hicks -

Alles is een creatie van ons bewustzijn. Alles. Hier en daar.
- Pim van Lommel -

Fatique is always about resistance and only about resistance.
- Abraham Hicks -

De helende beweging in een relatie is dat ik mijn eigen wond verzorg die wakker gekust wordt door degene die ik liefheb.
- Marieke de Vrij -

The belief in illness itself depends upon a belief in human unworthiness, guilt and imperfection.
- Jane Roberts -

Live every day to its fullest, and do not be a slave to your hopes for the future. If you do not learn to enjoy today you will not enjoy the future no matter what it may bring.
- Seth -

You see and feel what you expect to see and feel. The world as you know it is a picture of your expectations.
- Seth -

What if this is as good as it gets?
- Melvin Udall -

In the vibration of appreciation all things come to you. You don't have to make anything happen.
- Abraham Hicks -

The connection is what matters, not solving the problem. If you can maintain the connection, it dissolves the problem.
- Abraham Hicks -

The physical body can only react in the present moment. Worrying about future events, or dwelling upon past unfavourable situations, only confuses the body's mechanisms and undermines their precise activity in the present moment.
- Seth -

The tension of it not manifesting is keeping it from manifesting. The relaxation, the expectation that it will, allows it to
- Abraham Hicks -

Physical pain means that help is on the way.
- Abraham Hicks -

It is your assignment from us to find something to think about that doesn't suck.
- Abraham Hicks -

See your thoughts as the real events.
- Seth -

To evoke the best in others, you must find a vibration that is a match to the best in others.
- Abraham-Hicks -

Intentional manifestation is an art where the artist realises that what they paint on the canvas of imagination is more relevant than what they see in the physical world.
- Candace Thoth -

Your vibration on every subject is where you last left it.
- Abraham Hicks -

Your emotions follow your beliefs. It is not the other way around.
- Seth -

Life can deliver to you anything that you have the ability to feel.
- Abraham Hicks -

There is nothing in mental or physical reality that you ever need fear, for you are filled with the vitality of All That Is, and it protects you. You must simply allow it to do so.
- Seth -

The dynamics of health have nothing to do with inoculations. They reside in the consciousness of each being.
- Seth -

All That Is is inexhaustible. Infinity rests within simultaneous action, in a way that you cannot presently understand.
- Seth -

The more I'm aware that things are always working out for me, the more things are working out for me.
- Abraham Hicks -

Life isn't happening to me, life is happening from me. I'm emanating the signal to which all life is responding.
- Abraham Hicks -

Today I allowed myself to be blown away by the fact that nothing is ever denied us - everything truly is right here, right now, ready for us to allow it in our lives!
- Candace Thoth -

Out of thin air manifestations demonstrate that the physical world is not what it appears to be.
- Candace Thoth -

People spend 90 percent of their time thinking, thinking, thinking, instead of 90 Percent or their time allowing, allowing, allowing.
- Abraham Hicks -

You can not get to freedom from rebellion, they are two very different vibrations.
- Abraham Hicks -

What we're asking of you is to not play a reality game, we're asking you to play the satisfaction game.
- Abraham Hicks -

The reason that we want your Now moment to be enough is because that's all that there is for any of us.
- Abraham Hicks -

What you call now reality is looking back.
- Abraham Hicks -

What trips you up is your proclivity, your habit, your usualness of giving more attention to 'what is' and less attention to how you feel.
- Abraham Hicks -

Your expectation is a long thought thought.
- Abraham Hicks -

If you're not calibrating, you're manipulating.
- Abraham Hicks -

All pure means is not contradicted.
- Abraham Hicks -

Appreciation is a higher momentum of alignment with Source.
- Abraham Hicks -

Making peace with where you are, always moves you in the direction of what you want.
- Abraham Hicks -

The payoff has to be right now in the now, not a future payoff.
- Abraham Hicks -

You earn with your attitude. You earn with your mood. That's how you do it.
- Abraham Hicks -

You can turn your thoughts into realizations if you stop contradicting your thoughts with other thoughts. That's all that's required.
- Abraham Hicks -

Clarification is what contrast is. The right relationship with contrast is adoration, appreciation.
- Abraham Hicks -

When you know what you want and you're lined up with it, you don't need plan B.
- Abraham Hicks -

I have to be unconditional in order to get the condition.
- Abraham Hicks -

You've got to get out ahead of it vibrationally
- Abraham Hicks -

Law of Attraction isn't doing what's best for you, LOA is not even trying to do what's best for you. The LOA is not your mother!
- Abraham Hicks -

When you have a desire that you don't believe, that's arguing for a limitation.
- Abraham Hicks -

Quieting your mind takes all the conditions away and allows your vibration to rise, so that you're seeing through the eyes of source.
- Abraham Hicks -

There is no Yes and No in an all-inclusive Universe, there's only attention to it or not.
- Abraham Hicks -

The self that you know is only a small portion of that self, boxed in, so to speak, by its limited perception.
- Seth -

The fastest way to get to a new and improved situation is to make peace with your current situation.
- Abraham Hicks -

You may simply create the effect, and nature, yourself as the automatic creator, will supply you with more than enough cause to support the effect.
- Bashar -

There is no area of thought or belief that does not touch upon the subject of health in one way or another.
- Seth -

Nature is everywhere filled with promise, not only the promise of mere survival, but the promise of beauty and fulfillment.
- Seth -

Intentionally using imagination every single day is fun and prevents doubt from making a home in your mind.
- Candace Thoth -

The present moment is the field on which the game of life happens. It cannot happen anywhere else.
- Eckhart Tolle -

My own imaginal activity is animating my world.
- Neville Goddard -

Basically, consciousness has nothing to do with size. It would take more than a worldsized globe to contain the consciousness of simply one cell.
- Seth -

All children are the reminder for all of you as to who you actually are.
- Bashar -

The man who does not realize his basic independence from the physical system will not have freedom within it.
- Seth -

Citroëns don't accelerate. They gain momentum.
- Anonymous custom Citroën builder -

Perhaps we make too much of what is wrong and too little of what is right.
- Queen Elizabeth II -

Happiness is a guilt-free experience.
- Byron Katie -

Who would you be without your story?
- Byron Katie -

This whole vast world is but 'Frozen' inner speech.
- Neville Goddard -

The best diet in the world, by anyone’s standards, will not keep you healthy if you have a belief in illness.
- Seth -

You don't say 'Please forgive me' to the Divine because the Divine needs to hear it. You say it because you need to hear it.
- Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len -

You can trust your bodies as you can trust your soul. In your reality, the body is the garment that the soul wears.
- Seth -

Trust that it will unfold and trust that you will know what to do as it does unfold.
- Abraham Hicks -

Nothing even happened in the past; it happened in the Now. Nothing will ever happen in the future: it will happen in the Now.
- Eckhart Tolle -

Intention works and brings results. Inspiration works and brings miracles. Which do you prefer?
- Joe Vitale -

Have you ever noticed that wherever there is a problem, you are there? Does that tell you anything?
- Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len -

Intention is a toy of the mind; inspiration is a directive from the Divine.
- Joe Vitale -

Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.
- Arthur Schopenhauer -

You cannot be denied anything that is perfect, whole, complete, and right for you when you are your Self first.
Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len

Who cares what reality looks like if you are always happy?
- Bashar -

If you let wherever you are be where you want to be, you will live in the moment. And then everything will be able to find you.
- Bashar -

It doesn't matter what happens, what matters is how you respond to what happens.
- Bashar -

The resources that are available to you are indescribable.
- Abraham Hicks -

A miracle is only the name given by those who have no faith in the works of faith.
- Neville Goddard -

The only clarity that is required to clear anything else up is to become clear about who you are.
- Bashar-

You have no business whatsoever attempting to control even one condition of your life. What you're wanting to control is your position in the Stream. The Stream will take care of the conditions.
- Abraham Hicks -

Feel the future in the instant.
- Neville Goddard -

All that a man believes and consents to as true reveals itself in his inner speech. It is his Word, his life.
- Neville Goddard -

You should tell yourself frequently 'I will only react to constructive suggestions'. This gives you positive ammunition against your own negative thoughts and those of others.
- Seth -

What you are calling evidence is only what the physical reality reflects what you believe to be true. Your belief of what you believe to be true is what creates physical evidence – not the other way around.
- Bashar -

Timing is not your business.
- Abraham Hicks -

The more intense the core (expectation), the sooner the materialization.
- Seth -

Consciousness is the force behind matter, and it forms many other realities besides the physical one. It is your own viewpoint that is presently so limited that it seems to you that physical reality is the rule and mode of existence.
- Seth -

Without physical storms you would all go insane.
- Seth -

Expectancy is the most powerful condition that you can accomplish, because an expectation is a holding of a clear desire, and a belief about the same thing at the same time.
- Abraham Hicks -

Your wish is granted! Now it's time for you to accepting that it is done!
- Abraham Hicks -

It's not so much about being aware of your thoughts as it's about being aware of how you feel when you think the thought. Now you got the formula!
- Abraham Hicks -

Imagine your surprise, delight and gratitude, as if the events had already occurred.
- Seth -

Be like a tree, and let the dead leaves drop.
- Rumi -

Inspiration is receiving a message from the Divine and then acting on it. Intention works and brings results; inspiration works and brings miracles. Which do you prefer?
- Dr. Joe Vitale -

Wanting it and doubting it, that's split energy. Wanting it but not believing that I can have it. Wanting it and resenting other people who have it. Wanting it and feeling without it.
- Abraham Hicks -

Matter is not an imprisoning form. It is a means by which consciousness expresses itself within the limits of the physical field.
- Seth -

This vortex is not a non-physical place, it's a non-resistant place. It's a place of non-resistant were physical things can manifest.
- Abraham Hicks -

You all think that this physical realm is a reality that's different than the reality that it is. It's a vibrational interpretation.
- Abraham Hicks -

Your manifestation is ready for you, but if it hasn't manifested yet, you're not ready for it.
- Abraham Hicks -

Human beings have a great capacity for sticking to false beliefs with great passion and tenacity.
- Bruce H. Lipton -

Eliminate all doubt and replace it with the full expectation that you will receive what you are asking for.
- Rhonda Byrne -

The day you stop racing, is the day you win the race.
- Bob Marley -

When you have those limiting beliefs creeping up, ask yourself: Why not me?
- Abraham Hicks -

The invitation is to boldly claim that manifesting is simple, easy, and fun every single time.
- Candace Thoth -

Always ask yourself this question: 'What would I do now, if I were amazing?'
- John Wooden -

Throw your dreams into space like a kite, and you do not know what it will bring back, a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country.
- Anaïs Nin -

Going back to the concept of the ZEN and the DAO, the best teacher teaches, when you don't know that's what they're doing.
- Bashar -

As a professional speaker the goal is to bless, not impress - so listeners remember how they feel more than what they hear.
- Dan Clark -

Are your questions moving you in the direction you want to go? If the answer is "no," then it's time to ask different questions!
- Bob Proctor -

Mastery does not react. Mastery observes. And then it considers the best compassionate action.
- Kryon -

The world is designed to wow you, to surprise you and to provide you with everything you need.
- Lorie Ladd -

When man finally identifies himself with his imagination rather than his senses, he has at long last discovered the core of reality.
- Neville Goddard -

Feel your way rather than think your way.
- Abraham Hicks -

There's far more miscommunication going on with words than there is communication. Your words just aren't cutting it, your words are not conveying clearly, your words are distortion.
- Abraham Hicks -

Emotional power behind your expectations, powers your expectations into physical reality.
- Seth -

The problem is not the problem, the problem is the incredible amount of over-thinking you're re-doing with the problem. Let it go and be free.
- Acharya Bharat -

All Source wants is your trust.
- Abraham Hicks -

There's no challenge that come's without having in it the seeds of equal or greater benefit.
- Dr. Pankaj Naram -

Remember, when you allow your imagination to be your best guide, your guides have an easier time speaking to you through your imagination.
- Bashar -

We have said, and will always say, that the measure of success is that of joy.
- Abraham Hicks -

Don't say, 'It is morning' and dismiss it with a name of yesterday. See it for the first time as a newborn child that has no name.
- Rabindranath Tagore -

Stress is caused by being 'here' but wanting to be 'there'.
- Eckhart Tolle -

We assume that absence of evidence is evidence of absence, but it's not.
- Dr. Ludwig Max Fischer -

Before we get a desire, it's already ours. There's nothing to earn, prove or heal. Just a beautiful opportunity to say YES and receive with open arms.
- Candace Thoth -

The place you are right now, God circled on a map for you.
- Hafiz -

I didn’t come to teach you. I came to love you. Love will teach you.
- Dr. Smita Pankaj Naram -

See your thoughts as the real events.
- Seth -

If you knew it was for sure, wouldn't you be having more fun along the way? Well, it's for sure! It's for sure!
- Abraham Hicks -

The environment expresses your personality. This is a literal and not symbolic truth.
- Seth -

Waste no time trying to change the outside; change the within or the impression, and the without or expression will take cate of itself.
- Neville Goddard -

Trust the process.
- Abraham Hicks -

Only upon the rock of faith, can anything be established.
- Neville Goddard -

We want you to trust it's coming together.
- Abraham Hicks -

Faith is an experiment which ends as an experience. Experiment by believing you already have all that you desire, and you will have the experience.
- Neville Goddard -

You have to make the thing that feels really big, feel really simple.
- Abraham Hicks -

They’re not miracles at all, they are the natural order of things.
- Abraham Hicks -

As you ask yourself why you want it, the essence of your desire is activated and the Universe  begins to bring it to you.
- Abraham Hicks -

Blissful manifesting is realizing there's only one source for all things.
- Candace Thoth -

The only problem that anyone ever has, is a vibrational problem.
- Abraham Hicks -

If you imagine that the environment or physical condition is the reality, then you can feel trapped by it, and spend your efforts fighting a paper tiger.
- Seth -

If there don't seem to be opportunities, you're not opening up. Otherwise you would see opportunities. You're assumptions are creating what you're capable of seeing and not seeing.
- Bashar -

The main event is the life force flowing through you, not the manifestation.
- Abraham Hicks -

Trust that it is coming, and being happy in the process; that's the skill.
- Abraham Hicks -

Do you know what amazed means? Amazed means I haven't been paying attention and now I am.
- Abraham Hicks -

The Universe doesn't hear what you say, the Universe hears what what you mean. So, you want to find the feeling of what you're reaching for.
- Abraham Hicks -

Stop 'logicking' your way through life and let go. Let your reality happen. Let it unfold. Let it show you what can occur.
- Bashar -

Anything less than what I want is not logical.
- Abraham Hicks -

If it were up to humans to keep your Earth spinning in its orbit, you'd had forums on how it's not likely to last.
- Abraham Hicks -

You said I'll be on the leading, not bleeding, leading edge.
- Abraham Hicks -

Nothing is too simple, or too good to be true. Nothing!
- Bashar -

Now, if you had all been really paying attention to what I have been saying for some time about the simultaneous nature of time and existence, then you would have known that the theory of evolution is as beautiful a tale as the theory of Biblical creation.
- Seth -

When you pray, you don't need to ask something you don't have, you ask for assistance to see that you've already been given it.
- Bashar -

It ill behooves me to have to tell you that it takes someone as long dead as I have been to tell you how to become truly alive!
- Seth -

The body is continually created during your present lifetime, in your terms. It is not a mechanism once created, then left to fend for itself.
- Seth -

Your outer physical reality is not outer, it is inner. It's just a reflection of you at every given moment, individually and collectively.
- Bashar -

The depth of your own being has ways and means that you, the conscious surface being, know not of. It knows exactly how to do it.
- Neville Goddard -

The whole thing about techniques is the idea that you need certain methods to make things work for you, when all you have to do is let things alone: Then they “work” for you automatically.
- Oversoul Seven -

Magic is the beingness within and behind all things.
- Oversoul Seven -

Methods presuppose the opposite, in whatever area of your concern. They show you your belief that nature doesn't work right on its own.
- Oversoul Seven -

Remind yourselves constantly that the most favorable sol